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Dr. Katta is an author, a physician, and an award-winning educator.


We all know that doctoring is hard work, and we all know that physicians are at high risk for burnout.


But here’s one of the questions I’m obsessed with: 


  • If 2/3 of doctors are burned out (or on their way), who are the 1/3 of doctors who feel energized at work?

  • What can we learn from them, and what can they teach us about improving the way we work, even in careers outside of medicine?

I’ve spoken to many high performers in health care, business, law, computer science, and other fields who describe themselves as feeling strong and energized at work. I love learning from these individuals, and I'm so excited to share some of their common strategies for success.


One of the key lessons I’ve learned is that a strong career has three organ systems: vision, heart, and muscles.  In other words, for a strong, energized career, you need to focus on

  • Strategy (vision)

  • Purpose (heart)

  • Energy management (muscles)


If you'd like to learn morelink here to take your own career checkup 


If you'd like to hear some of my interviews with physicians who are energized at work, you can access our podcast here. Although these interviews are targeted for a medical student audience, there are important strategies and insights applicable for any career stage



Quoted In:


for your career checkup

For physician satisfaction references

For physician practice efficiency references

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